The importance of friends

January 5, 2012

As a mom, you have probably heard the saying that "it takes a village." Whether you're raising a child, pursuing an education or embarking on any other type of journey, your so-called village may consist of a spouse or significant other, family and friends.

Depending on what stage of life you are in, the people who support you may vary. But experts say having friends is especially important throughout life.

While college scholarships, grants for parents and other financial aid may help mothers who are pursuing a college degree afford to do so, friends can help student parents reduce stress, provide emotional support and provide camaraderie.

According to, there are many perks of friendship including increased happiness and a better immune system.

Studies have even linked friendship to having a longer life. The New York Times reported on several studies that have shown that having friends can influence everything from how long you live to your overall health to your emotional state.

"Friendship is an undervalued resource," Virginia Tech's Karen A. Roberto told the newspaper. "The consistent message of these studies is that friends make your life better."

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