Plan your college schedule so your kids know when you’ll be around
September 22, 2011
Mothers who are looking to head to college to pursue their passions have many things to balance before they set foot on campus. While your degree program will certainly take up a lot of time, your first priority is to accommodate your family and ease them into your new schedule.
If you have small children, it's important to make a schedule so that your kids know exactly when you're going to be around. As a child, there's nothing worse than expecting one of your loved ones to be around and then not following through, so make sure that you have set aside time to be there for them.
Remember, a degree program won't last forever, so don't let the fear of missing out on time with your children affect your school work. You're taking the steps to improve their lives and your own, and they'll thank you down the road.
With college scholarships and grants making higher education more affordable, now is the perfect time to pursue your passion and create a better life for your kids.