Returning advice for single moms
October 29, 2012
Heading back to the classroom may come with a lot more challenges than a single mom with a college scholarship is prepared to deal with, but there are plenty of supports and resources available to prepare for this transition, accommodate the impact at home and make way for more learning experiences in the future. Having a good structure for childcare, income and home maintenance can take the pressure off when it comes to getting back into the classroom, and the best thing a single mom can do is reach out and try to form a support system before the first day of school.
Who you know
Friends and family are some of the best resources a single mom could ask for. Chances are, someone in her circle of close contacts has the time and child-rearing experience to care for kids while she is in class, be it a parent or close friend, and that will make it easier for Mom to focus on classwork rather than how the kids are doing. What's more, if it is a close relative instead of a daycare center or nanny, it will be much cheaper for a single mom on a limited income to afford.
Working it out
When it comes to adding college to work schedules, talking to employers should be another primary step that single moms need to take. It may be that previous regular hours will no longer work with class and exam times, or it might be that more hours are needed to make up for greater expenses. There may also be other accommodations a boss is willing to make for an employee returning to school, especially if it is to earn training that directly helps with work practices. For instance, some businesses offer tuition and other incentives to people that go back to school for better degrees, helping a single mom with a college scholarship get even more financial assistance in pursuing her dream.
Get more rewards
On top of the monetary prize associated with a scholarship, single moms should always be looking for other ways to save money on campus and around town. Asking schools about any transportation or technology partnerships they have can mean reduced bus fares or cheaper computers. Employers could have a partnership with a learning institute that can provide technical and practical skills for no cost. Even things like free membership and rewards cards at bookstores, coffee shops and other locations can earn single moms the rebates they need to get by and do well in school.