Choosing the right college courses

July 13, 2012

Once you've made the decision to return to college and have finished all of the applications for financial aid for moms, the process of course selection awaits you. The task of determining which classes to take each semester may seem intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some tips for enrolling in the right courses:

First and foremost, you need to know which classes are required as an undergraduate and for your future major. Meeting with an advisor in your major's department can help you keep track of which courses you'll need to graduate. Once you have a list of all the requirements, you can decide when to take which classes. Mapping out a plan ahead of time will save you from scrambling to finish the necessary during your last semester.

You want a college schedule that works for you, so compile a list or calendar of events and plan around it. This way, you'll be able to drop your child off at dance lesson, run your errands and make it to class without any conflicts. If you're not a morning person or can't focus after midday, take that self-knowledge into account and create a schedule that will allow you to perform to your best ability.

A teacher can make or break a class, so look into your options for professors before registration. Some required courses are offered through several teachers, and you can research these educators by looking at sites like, which lets students evaluate and comment on professors. If you can't find any online reviews, ask around or search for the professors online and read their background information. Even in a subject you already love, a great teacher can drive you to excel even more.

When you have options for courses and there are a few that would fit requirements, choose the one that interests you most. In the end, if you're intrigued, you'll pay more attention and try harder. Even if, as a business major, you're required to fulfill a science requirement, see if there is a course on dinosaurs or astronomy that will maintain your interest.

Before registering for classes, check how the enrollment process works so your carefully crafted schedule will work without any technological issues or unknown passwords. Be prepared with a list of classes you intend to take - and a list of backups, so you know what to do if you encounter any problems. 

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