Recapping your semester
December 12, 2011
As the end of the fall semester approaches for college students, many student parents are looking forward to a break from their hectic schedules and the opportunity to spend time with their families.
However, with the beginning of a new semester and a whole new set of challenges just weeks away, some students will use the semester break as a time to get a head start on their classes. Whether you decide to purchase your books now to get started with some required reading in advance or simply spend a little time organizing yourself for the upcoming semester, keeping yourself in a studious frame of mind will help you easily make the transition from vacation mode back to school mode. recommends every student, regardless of age or major, take some time to recap their last semester before starting a new one. Answering a few simple questions, such as "did my schedule work?", "how can I improve?" and "are there additional resources that I could have used?" can help you evaluate what worked or didn't work and how to make it better for next time.
The semester break is also an ideal opportunity to ensure your finances are in order. Whether you are using grants, scholarships or loans to help pay for your college education, taking the time to ensure your paperwork and other necessary documents are completed ahead of time is a good idea.