Starting a college fund for your kids is far more attainable with a degree

August 19, 2011

Mothers who believe that they can't balance motherhood and a degree program often need a bit of perspective to get the extra drive to go back to college. For one, your earning potential will increase dramatically with a degree, which will help you put money away for your children's educations.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, workers 18 and over who have bachelors degrees earn an average of 51,206 a year, while those with a high school diploma earn close to $27,915. More specialized degrees contribute to even greater earnings. Simply put, without the right education it can be extremely hard to increase your bottom line.

Most people start saving for their children's college educations early, but if you have been having a hard time making ends meet, going back to school may be the best option to realize your career aspirations and to aid your kids. With the wide range of college scholarships and grants for parents available, you can help ease the financial burden of heading back to school and improve your children's lives in the process.  

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