Helpful apps for the busiest adult students

July 31, 2012

Parents who have just received class schedules, textbook lists and scholarships for adults have a lot of preparations to make. Not only do they have a busy home life, but they are also taking on the role of a part- or full-time student. Luckily, there are some great mobile apps available for the busy parent, student and multi-tasker.

First of all, ditch offline word document programs like Microsoft Word. Google Docs and other cloud-based word processing systems make it easy to save your writing and access it wherever there's an internet connection, from your personal laptop to a desktop in the library. And now, you can even write and share your documents through your smartphone. This $3.99 app does not let you edit (yet) but is a great way to collaborate on projects when you're too busy to meet with classmates. Another great Google tool for busy parents is Google Hangout, a free video conferencing tool that lets you meet with your professor or peers from the comfort of your home.

Rate My Profs has been around for a while, allowing students to pick and choose their professors through ratings and reviews written by their peers. Now, this handy website is available on your phone, so even if you're meeting with your advisor and need to make a decision quickly, you can get some advice.

Hashtag Mom
Running your miscellaneous errands while commuting home from class may mean you can't always keep track of your children as diligently as you'd like. Luckily, a brand new app has popped up that lets you communicate with your children quickly and easily, helping to ensure their safety. Using FourSquare's location-based technology, kids can check in anywhere with the hashtag message #mom, which then sends a text or phone call to your cell phone, notifying you that your child made it to his or her destination safely.

Moms are used to to-do lists, but it's important to organize your homework separately from the rest of your life in order to not miss anything. This digital planner app is specifically designed for homework organization, allowing you to color code and prioritize tasks. It even sends you a notification when a due date is coming up or an assignment is late.

This is just a few on the list of great apps for moms juggling school and their children. Even if you don't consider yourself tech-savvy, they are easy to learn, easy to use and will save you a lot of time and sweat down the road.

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