Heading back to school provides a wonderful example for your family

August 11, 2011

Women who balance a working life and a family may feel like it's too much of a burden to place a degree program on top of it all. If you're looking for that extra bit of motivation, consider how your efforts to improve your life can actually help to provide a positive example for your children.

Some mothers may think that going back to school could negatively affect their domestic life, but in reality it could be a blessing in disguise. Plan your schoolwork around your youngster's schedules - if you all do homework at the same time, you will be there to help them and still be able to put a dent in your workload. There's nothing that can communicate the importance of education to a child quite like seeing their parents hit the books!

Don't look at going back to school as a drain on your family, when in reality it could be the opposite. Once you get through the process of searching for college scholarships and picking the right institution, you can create a regimented schedule that will allow you to fulfill all of your obligations. 

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