Handling child tantrums when you need to get work done
August 29, 2012
Once you obtain the grants for parents and scholarships for moms and you enroll in a postsecondary institution, your life is going to get more hectic. Between taking care of the kids and trying to maintain your career, schooling can become more than a handful.
With crying children at home, studying can be nearly impossible. However, there are a few ways you can quell temper tantrums and keep the peace while you're earning your degree.
Kids are prone to temper tantrums at any age, but toddlers especially have a reputation for them. In the event of a flare-up, it's important not to raise your voice, according to FamilyEducation.com. Doing so can continue to set off your child who is already angry.
KidsHealth.org states that it's crucial to pick your battles when a tantrum erupts. Listen to your child's demands - are they as outrageous as they seem? Knowing when to push and pull can help you get on the same page with your child.
If things regularly get out of control around the house, you might want to consider bringing in a babysitter to care for your kids while you're working on class assignments.