Going back to school – you can do it
June 20, 2011
Now that you're a mom, the mere thought of going back to school can feel a bit overwhelming. With so many extras in your life already - dance classes, sports and doctors appointments - you may be wondering, "How could I fit earning my degree into my hectic schedule?" Yes, it may be hard and you may need to move at a slower pace, but achieving your diploma may be just the thing you need to improve your life.
With so much funding available through financial aid for moms and single parent scholarships, there are ways to make going to college affordable. Whether you want to work in an office, as a teacher or even within technological fields, the best way to go after your dreams is by going back to school.
Once you've decided you can have it all, it's time to consider if a campus-based or online college will work best for you. Based on the fact that you may already be stretched thin with your current job and your duties as a mom, online college may be your best option. If you would also like the chance to discuss and interact with students in your classes, you may be able to find a school that offers both online and campus courses, giving you the option to get a taste of college, while still being a responsible and educated supermom.