Finding time to incorporate exercise into your busy schedule
November 14, 2011
There are many more reasons to incorporate exercise into your already hectic college and family schedule than being able to fit into your favorite pair of jeans.
The New York Times reports that a 2010 study presented at the American College of Sports Medicine's annual meeting found that college students who regularly engage in vigorous exercise get better grades. In addition, experts say that exercising helps reduce stress, boost self-confidence and improve overall health.
Incorporating more physical activity into your daily routine is one way to get more exercise. According to, simple things like walking or biking to class, parking further away than necessary and taking the stairs can help you avoid a sedentary lifestyle.
Utilizing your school's fitness center is also a good idea. Being enrolled in college often makes membership free. You may even be able to get some reading or studying done while walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bicycle.
While health experts recommend an hour of exercise each day, it isn't necessary to get that hour's worth all at once. Instead, split your workouts into 10 or 15-minute increments throughout the day.
Those who make it a point to get more exercise will not only feel better, but will also set another great example for their children. Going back to school can inspire them to pursue their dreams, and you can reduce the expense of your education by applying for college scholarships, grants and loans.