Back-to-school time for everyone
September 7, 2012
As the summer ends and parents everywhere send their little ones off to start a new school year, many will deal with feelings of sadness and helplessness.
While many people might think that back-to-school time is the hardest on kids, a recent survey revealed the transition is especially difficult for moms as well.
The online survey of more than 2,400 people conducted by found that 40 percent feel that moms are the saddest family member when the kids go back to school, compared to 33 percent who said the kids were most affected.
In addition, 54 percent of moms said they were likely to cry on their kids' first day of school.
"During back to school time, most of the focus is on the kids and getting them ready, but what many people don't think about is that it's a transition for Mom too!" said Megan Gardner, CEO of Plum District.
But back-to-school time can be a new beginning for moms as well. Many choose to use some extra kid-free time to return to school themselves to pursue a degree. Even those who have just a few hours each day when their kids are in school can work towards getting a college degree online or at a nearby college or university.
And there are many ways moms who want to go to college can make it a financial reality. Financial aid for moms, college scholarships and grants for parents can make returning to school while raising a family affordable for mothers with little out-of-pocket expense.
Research shows the investment is likely to pay off, too. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2011, individuals with a bachelor's degree made an average of $1,053 per week, compared to $768 per week for those with an associate degree, $719 per week for those with some college (but no degree) and $638 per week for those with a high school diploma.
In addition, recent research from the Pew Research Center reveals that over the course of a 40-year career, college graduates are expected to make about $650,000 more than those without a college degree.
So why not channel your excitement about the beginning of a new school year into something that will benefit your entire family?