Choosing the right child care

December 8, 2011

There are many things mothers who want to pursue a college degree have to think about before registering for their first class. While figuring out how to finance their education through grants for parents, scholarships and other financial aid is a major consideration, who will care for their children while they are in school is one of the most important decisions they'll make.

Whether you decide to go to school at a traditional college or university or online, having dependable child care is crucial. After all, even moms who attend an online college will need time alone to study, do homework and prepare assignments without being distracted by their little ones.

If you're lucky, a spouse, family member or friend will be able to help take care of your child or children the majority of the time, free of charge. However, many student parents will have to either hire a babysitter or a daycare center for either part-time or full-time use.

Websites such as and are often great resources for parents searching for a babysitter. For a small fee, parents have access to a database of local babysitters that have already undergone background checks by the websites.

Your college is also a great place to find a caregiver for your children. Posting an ad in the school newspaper, at the career center or student union can help match you with a student who's looking for a job as a babysitter. Since college schedules are flexible, you might be able to find someone who has free time when you need someone.

Student parents may also choose to create babysitting exchanges with each other. In other words, each of you takes turns taking care of each other's children, giving the other person time alone to study or do their homework.

Those who need a more regular child care option may consider a daycare center or other licensed daycare provider.

The National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies (NACCRRA) through the Child Care Aware Program helps parents find licensed care ( in their area.

The association says that visiting potential daycare centers and child care providers is crucial. They even have a checklist available with suggestions on things to look for available online.

It's also important to ask any potential child care provider for references to help determine if he or she is the right provider for your family.

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