Keeping yourself and your kids healthy this winter

November 9, 2011

Many parents attending college are on their way to a better future for themselves and their families with the help of various college scholarships, grants and other financial aid. But even the best laid plans are bound to hit a speed bump every now and then.

Now that cold and flu season is officially here, it's virtually inevitable that you or your children will get sick at some point this fall or winter. However, there are things you can do to help avoid these common illnesses.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends everyone over 6-months-old get a flu shot this year.

"If you don't want to bother to get the vaccine for yourself, do it to protect the little ones around you," infection preventionist Gail Steele recently told The Herald-News.

Other ways to stay healthy during the fall and winter months include getting enough sleep, eating properly and washing your hands often. reminds parents that good hand-washing is the first line of defense against the spread of many illnesses, from the common cold to more serious illnesses such as meningitis, bronchiolitis, influenza, hepatitis A and most types of infectious diarrhea.

While missing class is often difficult for parents attending college, health experts say staying home is often necessary for them to recover and avoid getting others sick. The same goes for little ones - even though it is a challenge to rearrange your schedule or find someone to care of a sick child while you're attending classes, it is necessary.

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