Why mothers need to go to college
September 28, 2012
There are so many benefits to going back to school and completing a degree program. Personal achievement, financial success and the ability to rise to a whole different level in career and income standards are just some of the incentives that lure mothers of all ages back to school. The best part, of course, is that scholarships for single parents and financial aid for mothers help provide the monetary tools necessary to make these dreams a reality.
Planning for the future
A lot of mothers may see their children heading off to high school and realize they want their kids to go to college. For some, this sits as a double standard - how can I expect my son or daughter to attend university when I never did? What sort of example have a I set? Parents of even younger children may feel the same sentiment, resulting in a new drive to get back into the classroom themselves.
Being scared of going back to school, especially if it's been a lengthy hiatus, is normal. It may be intimidating to get back into an academic routine or seem daunting when layered on the things you have to do already, but the payoff is obvious when thinking about all the doors a degree opens. Besides, when creative writing papers are assigned, you'll have all sorts of interesting life experiences to draw on that younger students have no clue about yet.
Personal worth
American society has created an academic structure where it is almost mandatory to have a degree in order to qualify for certain jobs. Without a Bachelor's degree, there are economic and social circles that are harder to break into. Overcoming these boundaries can give single moms a whole new level of self-respect and self-worth, both essential qualities for raising kids with the same attributes.
Sometimes starting a family forces a mom to put aside her own goals and ambitions in lieu of the needs of the children. If money and time seem to be holding you back, remember that single mother scholarships and online degree programs can assist in getting around these hurdles. There is no reason to miss out on a college education when so many opportunities are within reach and worth taking advantage of.