Keep your eye out for college internships when you hit campus
August 29, 2011
Earning a college degree is a huge sacrifice for any mother, but there are some inventive ways to earn credits and expand your work experience while on campus. Internships are often a huge component of a degree program, and if your new major qualifies you for one, you should grab the opportunity head-on.
A college degree may get you into the door of a job interview, but it’s your relevant work experience and talents that you can bring to a company that will really factor into your employer’s decision. An internship will give you real world experience in your field that will give you an instant leg-up when searching for a job.
Many internships are for credit and may be unpaid, so making a concerted effort to find college scholarships and grants for parents can help cover costs during this time period. These positions can be a lot of work, so try to balance your workload by only taking one or two classes while employed.
College is all about taking advantage of opportunities, and an internship is one you shouldn’t let pass by. It will make you more attractive to employers and give you a first-hand look at the field you’re entering.