When the kids are off at college, maybe you should do the same!

September 13, 2011

An empty nest is a strange time in a mother's life. The kids are off in their own respective careers or maybe they just went off to college. But you should embrace this opportunity! Now could be the perfect time to head back to school to pursue the career you may have shelved when you had children.

College is for everyone, so don't let your age sway your decision. More and more adults are heading back to pursue an education later in life, so you probably won't be the only middle-aged adult in your degree program.

There are also a wealth of college scholarships, federal grants and financial aid opportunities for those who are interested in advancing their careers. This will require a bit of research and writing countless application essays, but the money you'll save will more than make up for your hard work.

It's never too late to head back to college or go for the first time, so now that the kids are out of the house, it could be the perfect time to expand your academic horizons and find a new career.  

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