Salaries climb for 2012 grads

September 19, 2012

Getting a college degree can do much more than help you fulfill a dream. Graduating from college can help ensure financial independence for you and your family, as getting a degree can significantly boost your earning potential now, and in future.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, individuals whose highest level of education is high school made an average of $31,000 per year in 2010.…


Organization is the key to college success

September 18, 2012

Just like in everyday life, a single mom needs to be organized to stay on task. Important things can fall through the cracks without a daily routine, a chore spreadsheet or some other reminder that there are things to do. The same principle applies to schoolwork, especially when taking a full load of courses and balancing that with everyday family needs.…


A study guide for moms in college

September 18, 2012

One of the biggest things single moms miss when they are at work or in school is their kids. Finding time to spend with children can be hard. Balancing one or two other full-time responsibilities on top of home life, and the stress of these kinds of situations can have a big impact on the quality of schoolwork and life in general.…


Why scholarships are often safer than grants for moms

September 17, 2012

Getting help with paying for college can be hard, especially for single moms trying to raise families on a fixed income. For these people, scholarships for single mothers are a lifesaver, as getting a federal or state grant could interrupt other benefits. These programs are counted as a form of income, and since they supply thousands of dollars a year to cover the heightened cost of tuition, books and classes, the fallout can be deadly to financial health.…


Reaching out for the right help

September 17, 2012

New and expecting mothers, as well as women with older children at home, understand that going to school is a second full-time job on top of the ones they already have. Add to that the fact that single mothers have a third working schedule to deal with and it's easy to see the stress adding up. One of the most important things a woman should do, especially if there's a baby on the way, is be as open and communicative with teachers as possible.…


Students weary of post-graduation debt

September 17, 2012

There's no denying that going to college can be an expensive endeavor. According to the College Board, the average annual cost for a four-year public college or university is $8,240 for in-state students and $20,770 for those who live out-of-state. Private college is even more expensive, averaging $28,500 per year.
While many people depend on student loans to pay for their education, a new survey suggests that this method of paying for an education is not being embraced by some.…


Making connections in college helps after graduation

September 14, 2012

For a single mom, it's important to put a degree to the best use possible once it is obtained, and that means hitting the bricks in search of a job. Waiting until the tassel is moved to start seeking better employment is a crucial mistake, though. Getting an early start on networking and meeting potential employers while in school can make a big difference.…


How to get federal aid for college

September 14, 2012

College is incredibly expensive, with books and tuition costing thousands of dollars a semester, which for a single mother could be impossible to afford. Fortunately, federal aid exists to provide financial aid for mothers, offering grants based on the income and expenses of the individual seeking an education. Applying for these programs can be accomplished online with a simple step-by-step process, resulting in a decision and award for college payments.…


Should you get a flu shot?

September 13, 2012

Balancing the demands of raising a family while pursuing a college degree can be stressful. Many student parents do everything they can to try and simplify their lives and ensure that they're giving their all to both of these responsibilities. However, when you or your children get sick, even the best laid plans fall apart.  
Although cold winter days are still months away, experts say the flu season is quickly approaching.…


Many Americans want a career change

September 11, 2012

A recent survey conducted by Yahoo! Finance and Parade revealed that almost 60 percent of Americans would choose a different career.
"Now we have the McJob that for so many people in the economy goes nowhere," the Daily Ticker's Henry Blodget told Yahoo! Finance. "The whole idea is that [those jobs] are a stepping stone to something else, and it never is.…