Having a hard time finding a job? Put your energy into earning a degree
October 26, 2011
It's no secret that the American job market is extremely tough right now, even entry-level jobs have become extremely competitive. If you've been looking for a job for months and can't seem to get your foot in the door, perhaps now is the perfect time to make an investment in education to land an interview at your dream job.
At first glance, college may seem like a huge expense, but there's a wide variety of funding options that can help you get into the degree program of your choice. Start off by sending off applications to college scholarship committees and looking into federal grants. These funds do not need to be paid back and can significantly reduce the cost of your tuition.
If these options don't completely cover your costs, student loans may be another option. Federally subsidized loans are the preferred option, as they offer grace periods and stable interest levels that make them easier to pay off.
The job market in the United States is tough, but with a degree in hand, you can improve your chances of landing your dream position.