Good careers for single moms
October 16, 2012
Sometimes a single mom may know she wants to go back to school but is not certain what to study. There are plethora careers to choose from, but not all will be appealing, and some offer less income or worse hours than others. Certain choices have become more popular over the years with moms, though, and have become stand-out majors for those seeking college scholarships.
•Nursing - This field offers longer hours but good pay, a sense of helping others and a huge array of college scholarships for single mothers. The career outlook is also strong in this industry, with nursing professionals in high demand, especially with higher levels of education. There are also a number of specialties offered within this single sector, so if a single mom wants to work at a hospital or a private practice, within orthopedics or pediatrics, the training and opportunities are all there.
•Design - College scholarships are fewer and more competitive, but these professions carry reasonable hours, higher pay and more creative license. For those who are not sure where they want to work, interior or landscape design are good options. There are also a wide array of clients to choose from - institutions like schools and libraries need design elements as much as private abodes.
•Writing - A single mom may not be the next Rowling, but she was a single mother when the first Harry Potter book was published. For those with less auspicious dreams, technical and copywriting are respectable careers that allow a modicum of creativity into everyday life. What's more, some of these positions come with remote access, so a single mom can work from home and still get healthcare and 401(k) benefits.
•Teacher - A huge resource of real teachers is available to any single mom in college, and having a mentor from the start in the form of a current professor can help get her on the right track to her own teaching position. These careers allow for regular hours and summers off, plus a mother can have her children in the same school district as where she works, so rides to school and performance monitoring will be easier.
These of course are not the only professions available to moms with college scholarships, but they are popular choices for single women. Career paths like these offer many benefits and assist with continued care of children while providing a better income to care for themselves and their families.