Accredited online schools gaining ground on traditional colleges
August 28, 2012
As more scholarships for moms and grants for parents become available, adults who previously didn't have a chance to finish their college careers are returning to school. A degree can not only help individuals obtain a better job, but land a higher-paying position.
To take care of their families and maintain full-time jobs, more people are looking to accredited online schools to meet their needs, according to USA Today. While traditional colleges are still in the lead among those seeking a postsecondary education, online schools are no longer far behind.
"We shouldn't be surprised because the whole industry is moving in that direction," Robert Pianta, dean of the University of Virginia's Curry School of Education, told the news source. "The thing I would be interested in knowing is the degree to which they are simply pushing these things out in order to generate dollars or whether there's some real innovation in there."
An accredited online school allows nontraditional students to work at their own pace while keeping up with their current careers and the responsibility of having a family. This flexibility continues to draw interest from busy adults.