Keep retirement in sight by going to school to earn your degree

September 19, 2011

As a mother, if you're working multiple jobs and trying to make ends meet for your family, retirement may seem like a fantasy rather than something you can plan for. Making sure that you're not still working through your golden years is a dream that can be realized by going to school to earn your degree.

College is more affordable than ever with the many options of college scholarships, grants for parents and financial aid. This will allow you to earn a degree in a field of your choice so you can find a job with some long-term earning potential.

Finding a real career and a position with a salary will allow you to start a 401(k) or an IRA that can help you put some money toward retirement. On average, college graduates make approximately more than double the amount of money than individuals with only a high school diploma will make over the course of their lifetimes, so it will help you realize your career aspirations and begin to plan for the future.

Earning a college degree is the best way to get out of the monotony of multiple jobs to find a career that will help you realize your true potential.  

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