Earning a college degree as a single mother can boost your income
June 10, 2011
As a single mother, bettering yourself for your family through higher education is one way you can prove to your children that they can achieve anything they set their minds to.
Many outside sources offer financial aid for moms, such as government loans and grants for single parents, that will inevitably assist you in reaching your goal. With the added monetary help, you may be able to boost your family's overall success - even if choosing a career while raising kids may seem like a lot of work. By deciding to put your efforts towards an education rather than remaining at a dead-end job - you'll most likely be able to increase your salary and may gain other crucial benefits from your new company - like health insurance.
One study conducted by Sandy Baum for the College Board found that on average, those who have earned a college degree will make $20,000 more a year than those with only a high school diploma. This added bonus could potentially allow you to say goodbye to that second job, leaving you adequate time to get back to what you really enjoy doing - spending quality time with your children.