Archive | 2011

Magazine names ‘Most Powerful Moms’ of 2011

December 16, 2011

Whether you're working diligently at completing your college education or just starting the process of researching what's involved in getting a degree, you may have an idea of what you want to do upon graduating.
Gone are the days when mothers were really only teachers and nurses. Yes, these careers are great for moms because they often provide a flexible schedule that allows for adequate family time, emotional fulfillment and financial security.…


Online learning gaining popularity

December 15, 2011

A recent study finds the proportion of students taking online courses continues to grow.
The Sloan Consortium's 2011 Survey of Online Learning reveals that the number of students taking at least one online course has surpassed 6 million. Now nearly one-third of all students (31 percent) in higher education are taking at least one online course.
"The rate of growth in online enrollments is ten times that of the rate in all higher education," said study co-author I.…


Are online classes ‘easier’?

December 15, 2011

A recent study conducted by the Sloan Consortium finds that the number of individuals taking online classes is on the rise. The 2011 Survey of Online Learning reveals that nearly one-third of all students in higher education are taking at least one online course.
Online learning is especially popular among non-traditional college students, such as mothers who are pursuing a degree.…


Are working moms happier than stay-at-home moms?

December 14, 2011

A new study reveals another reason why moms considering going to college to pursue the career of their dreams should do so.
Researchers from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro say that working mothers are generally happier and healthier than stay-at-home moms.
Scientists followed more than 1,300 mothers for a period of 10 years. According to USA Today, they found that mothers who worked either full-time or part-time reported better overall health and fewer symptoms of depression than stay-at-home moms over time.…


Study: Moms multitask more than dads

December 14, 2011

A new study confirms what many mothers and especially mothers pursuing a college education already know - moms spend more time multitasking at home.
The study conducted by researchers from Michigan State University and Israel's Bar-Ilan University followed 500 middle class families with two working parents for a period of two years. They found that women spent about 48.3 hours in the home multitasking per week, compared to men, who spent about 38.9 hours per week juggling household and child care duties.…


The benefits of being an older student

December 13, 2011

While many moms considering enrolling in college are excited about pursuing their dream of becoming a college graduate, many are also nervous about being older than their classmates. 
The first thing to remember when embarking on this journey is that you're not alone. According to the U.S. Department of Education, 5 million (25 percent) of college students were over the age of 30 in 2010.…


The most popular college majors

December 13, 2011

Many moms pursuing a college degree do so because they want to fulfill a dream of working in a particular job or industry when they graduate.
However, many simply want to get a degree to increase their earning potential and be better able to support their families.
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2010 individuals with a bachelor's degree made an average of $1,038 per week, compared to $767 per week for those with an associate's degree, $712 per week for those with some college (but no degree) and $626 per week for those with a high school diploma.…


Recapping your semester

December 12, 2011

As the end of the fall semester approaches for college students, many student parents are looking forward to a break from their hectic schedules and the opportunity to spend time with their families.
However, with the beginning of a new semester and a whole new set of challenges just weeks away, some students will use the semester break as a time to get a head start on their classes.…


How much studying is realistic?

December 12, 2011

Moms who are considering going to college often spend a lot of time weighing the pros and cons of taking on such a big commitment. Many who have been out of school for a long time often worry about just how much time will be needed to devote to school work outside of the classroom.
While the time students spend on homework, studying and other assignments varies greatly by person, a recent study found which college majors require the most - and least - studying each week.…


Save money on textbooks

December 9, 2011

Mothers going to college often get help paying for their education through single mother scholarships, grants and other financial aid. However, many still have to adhere to a strict budget to make ends meet while they are in school.
One of the biggest expenses college students of all ages have is their textbooks. According to CBS Moneywatch, the average student can expect to spend more than $1,100 on textbooks each year.…