There are college funding options available for those who put in the time

September 14, 2011

Due to the constant activity that comes with being a mother and the amount of time and resources required to earn a degree, it may not seem financially feasible to head to school and start an academic program. Fortunately, there are countless sources of financial aid that can help make college a reality for mothers who take the time to find them.

One of the first things that any prospective student should do is investigate the many forms of federal aid available. The Pell grants were saved from the chopping block of the debt ceiling deal, so thousands of students will still be able to cover some of the costs of tuition and not be required to pay them back.

College scholarships are a growing pool of funding that are available to driven individuals who can impress a scholarship committee. There are even single parent scholarships for those mothers who are juggling multiple responsibilities.

Now is as good a time as ever to head to college and pursue a degree. It will instantly increase your earning potential, broaden your academic horizons and give you the confidence to follow your passion.  

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