Searching for college scholarships is an important part of the application process

September 1, 2011

Mothers who are thinking of heading back to school to complete their degree or earn a more specialized one have a few hurdles to clear before they get in the classroom. Finding some extra sources of funding can give you the peace of mind to complete your program.

Researching college scholarships and grants can be a very time-consuming experience, so be sure that you set aside at least an hour or two a day to search. Many of these funding sources require an application essay, so you will have to write a piece that is tailored to each donor and let them know a bit about you.

Grants are another important facet to the application process and come with the added benefit of not having to be paid back. These grants are available on both the federal and state levels, and there are many available for single parents and low-income families who want to realize their career goals.

With the wealth of scholarships and grants available, mothers have myriad ways to avoid student loans and ease the burden of their higher education.

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