Seasonal hiring could help college moms with scholarships

November 1, 2012

Looking for employment but trying to balance a family and school at the same time can seem difficult. There are a lot of different options for single mother scholarship holders, from work-at-home positions to hourly retail spots that offer the kind of flexibility a single mom needs. Many of these can even be found online, meaning there's no need to get a babysitter and go out job hunting.…


Seasonal hiring could help college moms with scholarships

November 1, 2012

Looking for employment but trying to balance a family and school at the same time can seem difficult. There are a lot of different options for single mother scholarship holders, from work-at-home positions to hourly retail spots that offer the kind of flexibility a single mom needs. Many of these can even be found online, meaning there's no need to get a babysitter and go out job hunting.…


Classroom etiquette matters for college scholarship success

October 31, 2012

Going to college can be a very big change for single moms. It could have been years since they attended school, and even then, the public school experience is far different from what university has to offer. Understanding what is expected of students is outlined from day one in the course syllabus, but there are general rules that are not covered.…


Scheduling studying for college scholarship success

October 30, 2012

One of the biggest deciding factors in keeping a college scholarship for single mothers is whether she studies for the exams or not. Planning ahead of time can ensure enough of a cushion before the actual date to ensure that information has been adequately memorized, instead of trying to pull all-nighters and cram everything in. Not only is this unhealthy, it does not always spell success in the final analysis.…


Returning advice for single moms

October 29, 2012

Heading back to the classroom may come with a lot more challenges than a single mom with a college scholarship is prepared to deal with, but there are plenty of supports and resources available to prepare for this transition, accommodate the impact at home and make way for more learning experiences in the future. Having a good structure for childcare, income and home maintenance can take the pressure off when it comes to getting back into the classroom, and the best thing a single mom can do is reach out and try to form a support system before the first day of school.…


Technology and the online college scholarship

October 26, 2012

Let's face it, not all single moms will be willing or able to leave their kids behind and go off to school every day. For some, it's outright impossible - with campuses sometimes hundreds of miles away or requiring too long of a commute, physically attending classes is not always an option. For single mother college scholarships, online-only degrees are widely sought by those without the means or desire to travel to school every day.…


Setting goals for success with college scholarships

October 25, 2012

There are times in every single mother's life when making more money becomes the biggest leverage point in providing for her children. Cutting costs is one thing, but when it comes to lifetime goals, it is important to understand that there are times when setting aside everyday routine and working toward higher aspirations is the only way to be successful with college scholarships.…


Consider majors before college for single moms

October 25, 2012

For some single moms with college scholarships, going back to school can change the lives of the everyone in the family. Therefore, this decision can make or break the future financial wellness of a mom and her children, especially during the years while college classes are ongoing. The hours taken away from regular work that are sacrificed to studying, classwork and other academic endeavors should balance the career opportunities a degree can offer, so making sure a selected major is worth it is important.…


Learning to say no essential for single mothers with scholarships

October 24, 2012

It can be hard to say no to a person, regardless of the relationship involved - even strangers asking for help may make a single mom feel bad for not helping. However, there are times when it becomes more important to look out for the well being of herself and her family, especially if a college scholarship is on the line.…


Single moms with college scholarships can save for the future

October 23, 2012

Balancing all the time and money expenditures that go along with being a single mom with a college scholarship can make it feel impossible to save anything for the kids, holidays or extra expenses. There are opportunities to manage this feat, though, but finding the way to do it can be tricky without getting some financial advice. Here are some tips to help single moms in college get by.…