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Recapping your semester

December 12, 2011

As the end of the fall semester approaches for college students, many student parents are looking forward to a break from their hectic schedules and the opportunity to spend time with their families.
However, with the beginning of a new semester and a whole new set of challenges just weeks away, some students will use the semester break as a time to get a head start on their classes.…


Survey: College students are savvy shoppers

December 9, 2011

A recent survey conducted by leading social education platform reveals that college students are under major financial pressure and are always looking for a good deal.
The poll found that students spend an average of $500 each month on items such as food, clothing, gas, travel, entertainment and personal care.
In addition, many students said they are worried about the economy and how it will affect their job search.…


Save money on textbooks

December 9, 2011

Mothers going to college often get help paying for their education through single mother scholarships, grants and other financial aid. However, many still have to adhere to a strict budget to make ends meet while they are in school.
One of the biggest expenses college students of all ages have is their textbooks. According to CBS Moneywatch, the average student can expect to spend more than $1,100 on textbooks each year.…


Tips on preparing for finals

December 6, 2011

The fall semester is quickly coming to an end and final exams are looming for many student parents. While studying for these end-of-semester tests can be stressful, there are ways to do it effectively and ensure you perform well on the exam.
The first thing many successful college students recommend is to start studying early. Reviewing your notes ahead of time will not only help you feel less stressed about a semester's worth of information but will also ensure you have time to speak with a professor, teaching assistant or classmate if you need clarification about something.…


Considering an unpaid internship?

December 2, 2011

Even though the vast majority of those who pursue a college education say it's worth it, there's no denying the fact that getting a degree is expensive. According to, tuition rates increase at about twice the general inflation rate. On average, tuition tends to increase about 8 percent per year, which means that the cost of college doubles every nine years.…


Don’t let stress affect your sleep

December 1, 2011

Let's face it - juggling parenthood and going to college can be stressful, especially at this busy time of year. While some people thrive on a little stress to perform at their best, others suffer and may have trouble sleeping as a result.
As many people know, stress can cause insomnia and a variety of other issues with concentration, mood and health.…


Bartering for classes?

November 28, 2011

Many mothers can pursue their dream of getting a college degree despite difficult economic times by financing their education through grants for parents, scholarships for mothers and other financial aid. Furthermore, mothers can supplement their education through another way of learning: bartering.
The idea of bartering for classes was launched in New York City in February 2010. It was started by the Trade School, which has offered classes on a wide range of topics including grant writing, composting, portrait photography, how to make a website on WordPress, Scrabble strategy and ghost-hunting.…


Bartering: A frugal student’s best friend

November 23, 2011

Although scholarships for mothers, grants for parents, loans and other financial aid help parents who are pursuing a college degree finance their education, finding money in the household budget for "extras" can be a challenge.
Whether you're looking for someone to clean your house or apartment so you can get some studying done or you need to find a new desk to make doing your homework easier, budgetary concerns often make these things seem out of reach for moms in college.…


Thanksgiving meal costs increase

November 21, 2011

A recent report from the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) finds that the cost of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner has increased by 13 percent this year.
The annual nationwide study employs volunteer shoppers from 35 states to hunt down the best prices on items including a 16-pound turkey, stuffing, cranberries, pumpkin pie and all the basic trimmings. The AFBF found that the average price for the holiday meal for 10 people this year is $49.20, up $5.73 from last year's cost.…


Study highlights importance of a college education

November 17, 2011

A new economic study makes a good case for anyone considering pursuing a college degree to boost their earning potential and achieve their dreams.
According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, the study titled "The Economic State of Young America" found that most of the millenial generation, which includes individuals born between 1977 and 1993, believe there is a financial disparity between them and their parents - nearly half think they are worse off, while 20 percent think they are doing better.…