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Studying for finals critical for college scholarship recipients

November 15, 2012

This is one of the most stressful times of the year for single moms with college scholarships, as universities gear up for finals season. Grades can be put in jeopardy or landed in the safe zone for maintaining a scholarship award, which means doing well on finals is crucial for keeping necessary funding in order to stay in school. When it comes down to the last few days before an exam, though, it may be that starting the studying process at that point won't be worthwhile.…


Classroom etiquette matters for college scholarship success

October 31, 2012

Going to college can be a very big change for single moms. It could have been years since they attended school, and even then, the public school experience is far different from what university has to offer. Understanding what is expected of students is outlined from day one in the course syllabus, but there are general rules that are not covered.…


Setting goals for success with college scholarships

October 25, 2012

There are times in every single mother's life when making more money becomes the biggest leverage point in providing for her children. Cutting costs is one thing, but when it comes to lifetime goals, it is important to understand that there are times when setting aside everyday routine and working toward higher aspirations is the only way to be successful with college scholarships.…


Moms with college scholarships need to know a syllabus

October 23, 2012

If you have never been to college you may not have seen a course syllabus in your life. It is basically an outline of the class requirements, but it also serves as the most important guidebook to a college course you will ever see, and you get it on the first day class. Instead of zoning out while the professor is explaining things or tucking it away into a folder pocket, there is in-depth analysis to be done that can help you keep your college scholarship.…


Getting to know your academic adviser

October 15, 2012

It may feel like going to college from day one is like being set adrift in a massive academic sea, but there are plenty of resources available to single moms on a college scholarship to help with orientation and finding tools to help them succeed. Offices around the campus are geared toward assisting students with getting their bearings, finding good habits and helping them manage their college careers, so familiarizing with these different areas can be a great help in getting settled.…


Moms make money on marketable skills

October 9, 2012

Want to go to college but don't want to leave the kids home alone or get a job to cover the expenses while you're there? Being your own boss and making due with what you already have and know are solid options for single mother scholarship recipients who prefer to make their own hours and still get a fair paycheck. Especially for those taking classes remotely, being a freelancer or running a domestic business is a desirable option.…


Moms can make friends in college too

October 4, 2012

There are a lot of fears women face when going back to college, especially single moms facing the challenges of work, class and kids. Sometimes these duties can seem so daunting that women feel like they do not have time for anything besides the most demanding activities. But all work and no play is a bad scenario for keeping a healthy mind and body, essential attributes of any woman who plans to maintain a single mother scholarship.…


Why mothers need to go to college

September 28, 2012

There are so many benefits to going back to school and completing a degree program. Personal achievement, financial success and the ability to rise to a whole different level in career and income standards are just some of the incentives that lure mothers of all ages back to school. The best part, of course, is that scholarships for single parents and financial aid for mothers help provide the monetary tools necessary to make these dreams a reality.…


Managing your child’s stress

September 27, 2012

Although student parents may describe themselves as feeling stressed out at times, many of us may not think our kids are dealing with stress as well. However, a 2009 study conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) revealed that many children and teens are more stressed out than their parents think.
The study found that teens and tweens were more likely than parents to say that their stress was increasing.…


Confidence is key in raising kids and going to school

September 25, 2012

There are a lot of qualities associated with being a strong single mother that can also help push these women through school. Strength, independence, courage and the ability to learn are all intrinsic to being a successful parent without any support or assistance from anyone else, and these same qualities are what make good learners do well in college. Single mother scholarships recognize these traits, rewarding women for persevering in the face of difficult odds.…