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Saving money around the house while earning a degree

August 1, 2012

As more scholarships for moms become widely available, mothers are taking advantage of the opportunity to return to school at a reduced cost. However, anyone enrolled in a postsecondary institution will still tell you that it's important to pinch pennies while in college to maintain financial stability.
Luckily, there are many ways that moms can save money on their household expenses without going to too much trouble.…


Helpful apps for the busiest adult students

July 31, 2012

Parents who have just received class schedules, textbook lists and scholarships for adults have a lot of preparations to make. Not only do they have a busy home life, but they are also taking on the role of a part- or full-time student. Luckily, there are some great mobile apps available for the busy parent, student and multi-tasker.
First of all, ditch offline word document programs like Microsoft Word.…


How to deal with college stress

July 27, 2012

After parents returning to school have applied for all their college scholarships for moms and chosen their courses, it's time to prepare for the first day of school. As exciting as new classes and professors can be, they tend to bring stress with them as well. There are, however, a few techniques for students to cope with this stress.
Stay organized
Right from the start of the semester, try to stay on top of your schoolwork.…


Get in tune with your kid: Working together to thrive in school

July 25, 2012

Upon receiving a scholarship or financial aid for moms and enrolling in school, your child may prove to be your best support system. Not only do you want to succeed in your classes, but you also want your son or daughter to do well. Since both of you are pursuing education, you can use this bond to fuel both of your pursuits.…


Summer opportunities for adults eager to learn

July 19, 2012

Summer is often the time of the year to do all those things you can't normally fit into your busy schedule. For many adults, this means going to summer school and pursuing their unique passions.
Try something new
Who says learning can't be fun? In Phoenix, Arizona, The Paradise Valley Unified School District offered woodshop as the first summer continuing education course.…


Tips for moms studying at college

July 18, 2012

Moms who've decided to return to school may have to readjust to studying for exams. After applying for financial aid for moms and starting classes, though, and the best way to study can easily come back with a few pointers.
The first step to being skilled at studying is having the right materials. You can't study well unless you have good notes to review.…


Organization tips for college moms

July 16, 2012

Returning to school can be hard to balance with the responsibilities of motherhood, but staying organized can make it work. Here are some tips to consider when enrolled in university as a parent:
Study space
The easiest way to ensure that your class project doesn't become your child's next art project is to create an area specifically for your course materials.…


Choosing the right college courses

July 13, 2012

Once you've made the decision to return to college and have finished all of the applications for financial aid for moms, the process of course selection awaits you. The task of determining which classes to take each semester may seem intimidating, but it doesn't have to be. Here are some tips for enrolling in the right courses:
First and foremost, you need to know which classes are required as an undergraduate and for your future major.…


Moms in the automotive industry

July 12, 2012

It makes sense for moms to connect their passion for learning and working with their love for their children. The four mom engineers behind the 2013 Chevy Malibu did just that.
These women are changing the game of the automotive industry, not only by advocating for female engineers but also through helping create cars catered to a mother's life. General Motors is quickly recognizing the importance of shrinking the gender gap, and is doing so by supporting scholarships for moms and other women.…


Traits for moms to look for in colleges

July 11, 2012

When applying to colleges, it's important to examine the programs for parents. While some schools may not offer much assistance for moms like you, others can provide support that will help you succeed when you return to university. Here are some characteristics to look for:
Places for children
If you're considering living on campus, see if any colleges provide family housing options.…