Archive | June, 2011

Resources for single mothers considering going back to school

June 14, 2011

If you're a single mother struggling to figure out how to move your career forward, but think that going back to school is the first step toward success, there are many resources available to you. These tools may help you to make a more responsible decision regarding your possible future endeavors.
Talk to Your Friends
If you took a different path than your friends by having children before attending school, you may be able gain useful information from speaking with them about their time at college.…


Things to consider when choosing between online and campus-based colleges

June 13, 2011

If you've decided that you're ready to go back to school to better your career, there are a few different options that you'll want to understand before jumping into anything.
Flexible Hours
If you're busy taking care of your children or working a full-time job, online courses may work best for you. Attending college virtually gives you the flexibility to study and do homework at your leisure, when you can get a break between work and time with your family.…


Working with x-rays will give you a bright future

June 13, 2011

Working within the health care industry is one way to get ahead as a single mother. Some career paths take as little as two years and start you off with a great pay, so if you're trying to make ends meet by going back to school, studying to enter the medical field is a great option.
If you or your kids have ever broken a bone before, you know that an x-ray needs to be taken to help doctors better understand the injury and find the proper ways to help the break heal.…


Careers in the medical field may help you get ahead as a single mom

June 13, 2011

Being a single mother is a full-time job in itself. Just trying to get through all the chores and cooking can be a hassle - and if you've got a job on top of all that, you might feel like you never have time to just relax with your family. If you could find a way to get a better-paying job so you would have adequate time to do all of the other important things in your life, wouldn't you do it?…


Earning a college degree as a single mother can boost your income

June 10, 2011

As a single mother, bettering yourself for your family through higher education is one way you can prove to your children that they can achieve anything they set their minds to.
Many outside sources offer financial aid for moms, such as government loans and grants for single parents, that will inevitably assist you in reaching your goal. With the added monetary help, you may be able to boost your family's overall success - even if choosing a career while raising kids may seem like a lot of work.…


Careers in business administration offer great benefits

June 9, 2011

Many single moms have to work two jobs just to make ends meet - leaving almost no time to spend with their families. But with the right tools, late nights and missed soccer practices could become a thing of the past. With so much financial aid for mothers available, you can afford to make going back to school a priority.
Honing in on your interests is the first step in the process of pursuing a new career.…


Exciting career paths for working moms

June 9, 2011

Going back to school will require some changes to your family life, but taking the plunge can be worth it. If you want to better your professional options by going back to college, make sure you look for a profession that will help you stay on top of your financial responsibilities while you're working towards a career you can be successful in.…


Divorce may open your eyes to a bright new future

June 8, 2011

Are you recently divorced and now faced with the challenges of being a single mom without a college degree? According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2010 the divorce rate in America was 3.4 per 1,000 people, making this a real concern for many parents in today's society.
Pursing a degree to better your situation could be a positive experience during this difficult time, as you may have the opportunity to study a subject you've always been drawn to in the past.…


Finding time to study as a single mom

June 6, 2011

Working towards your degree as a single mom? This can be a stressful time if you have to worry about your family, work and staying on top of your assignments all at the same time. Always check with your school to see if they have financial aid for moms like yourself. Once you've found college scholarships to help with class costs, you'll need to plan ahead to to get your school work done.…


Earning a nursing degree and balancing motherhood – yes, it’s possible

June 3, 2011

It's safe to say that a mom's duties are somewhat similar to that of a nurse - after all, both jobs require cleaning wounds, determining illnesses and finding remedies to aid others. With all this experience at your fingertips, why not consider going back to school for your nursing degree?
Nursing may at first seem like a difficult and frenzied career path, but as a mom, it's likely you already understand the concept of multitasking and staying organized - many of the key components needed in order to earn such a degree.…