Archive | February, 2013

Everyday stress management tips for single moms

February 27, 2013

Stress can manifest in a variety of ways, be it a simple tension headache or general poor health. Moods and energy levels can also take a severe hit from heightened, ongoing levels of stress, which could in turn have a plethora of negative impacts on home life, work and financial aid for college. Finding ways to keep stress under control and avoid it if possible is ideal, and since the life of a single mom is likely to be more stressful than most, coming up with ways to make sure it stays in check is essential.…


Picking the right degree for the job

February 26, 2013

It can be confusing, trying to select the right college. From filling out the necessary paperwork to getting financial aid for mothers, single moms should have a solid idea of what they want to do with their degrees when they graduate. They also must know what courses to pursue in order to qualify for their dream jobs.
Not every college major is created equal.…


Uncovering the best ways to find financial aid

February 21, 2013

When it comes to locating financial aid for moms, the process can seem daunting and intimidating. For some mothers it can be time-consuming and unfamiliar, s{and may be seen as more of an obstacle to their daily activities than an opportunity to get the necessary resources to go back to school. Identifying some of the best ways to locate, apply for and obtain monetary assistance or college can make the process more acceptable to those who are uninitiated.…


Single mom ideas for a great Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2013

Whether you're busy working a regular job, taking care of kids or researching financial aid for moms, you need to take time to appreciate yourself. Valentine's Day may seem like a couples-only holiday, but there's no reason why you can't take this day or the following weekend to be a time for loving yourself. Here are some great ideas for investing in personal time, no matter what your schedule or money budget might be.…


The difference between single mom colleges scholarships and grants

February 13, 2013

When it comes to securing financial aid for moms, there are plethora options on the table for them to choose from. Scholarships, loans and grants are only some of the many kinds of funding mothers can try to secure, but knowing the caveats and complications of these various monetary allocations is essential for choosing the ones that work best for every woman's personal economic picture.…


Staying in shape as a single mom

February 7, 2013

Being fit both physically and mentally is critical for a single mom. She's in charge of maintaining the household, caring for kids, bringing in an income and going back to school, so if she can't keep going, the rest of the family may not fare well. The stress of keeping up with college scholarship applications, long hours at the office and in class can be cumbersome when home activities are also waiting for her at the end of the day, so finding ways to unwind and take care of her body are important for a single mom. …


Dating as a single mom on a time budget

February 1, 2013

Just because a single mom is busy with college scholarships and running a household doesn't mean she shouldn't make time for dating and socializing. While the college environment lends itself to meeting new people and getting invited to special events or nights out, there are other obligations that may make them feel unable to attend. Here are some tips on how to balance these various elements:
Working them into the schedule
There are a number of regular activities in a mom's schedule that can turn into opportunities for dating or just getting to know people better.…