Archive | June, 2011

Pursue a new career as a chance for a more stable lifestyle

June 27, 2011

If you're among the millions of Americans who have been let go from your job after years of stable pay, the reality is that for many, going back to school to earn a degree in another field seems to be the route to go.
USA Today talked to a number of Americans who have been faced with this all-too-real scenario. One mother who worked for two different factory jobs before being let go finally made the decision to go back to school to earn a degree in another field.…


Overcome your financial hardships by earning a degree

June 24, 2011

If life circumstances have kept you from going after your career aspirations in the past, why not take the chance to go back to school to see your dreams can finally come true? If you're a mom who chose a different path than your friends by having children young, now may be the moment for you to shine.
Numerous Americans are faced with hardships every day and to some, the problems may feel far too great to overcome.…


Pursue online classes to keep part of your independence as a mom

June 22, 2011

Being a mom can be one of the most fulfilling and rewarding things you can do in your lifetime, as you're the one your children look to for advice, comfort and protection. Although it's a full-time job, constantly talking in baby lingo, changing diapers and watching shows dedicated to learning the ABC's may leave you feeling like your intellectual life is taking a backseat.…


Embrace your opportunities – once you’ve raised your children

June 21, 2011

If you're one of the millions of people who chose to sacrifice dreams of college to raise your children, now might be the time to go after the goals you gave up so long ago. If your kids are grown and out of the house, there's never been a better opportunity to go back to school and finally make your desires a reality.…


Give your children the life they deserve – by going back to school

June 20, 2011

As the cost of raising children continues to increase, the "stay-at-home mom" is quickly becoming a thing of the past. According to the U.S. Census Bureau 2010, if you're one of the 38 percent of women who are going it alone, lacking the proper education can be detrimental to your family life, as you may be less likely to be able to afford the items your kids need.…


Going back to school – you can do it

June 20, 2011

Now that you're a mom, the mere thought of going back to school can feel a bit overwhelming. With so many extras in your life already - dance classes, sports and doctors appointments - you may be wondering, "How could I fit earning my degree into my hectic schedule?" Yes, it may be hard and you may need to move at a slower pace, but achieving your diploma may be just the thing you need to improve your life.…


Be the role model your children can look up to

June 20, 2011

As a single mother, it's your responsibility to care for your children emotionally, physically and financially. If you've always struggled to have it all, yet when push comes to shove would do anything - even work multiple jobs - to give your kids all they need, it may be time to put that energy and effort towards going back to school.…


Do something for you, now that your kids are grown

June 16, 2011

Becoming an active member of the work force after taking time off to raise your children is one way to prove to your kids - and yourself - that you've still got it. It 's time to break out the notebooks, pencils, calculators and your thinking cap to give going back to school later in life a real chance. The thought of heading back to class may seem overwhelming, but the knowledge you already have from your life experiences will only aid you in your new journey to the top.…


Careers in the medical field may help you get ahead as a single mom

June 14, 2011

Being a single mother is a full-time position in itself. Just trying to get through all the chores and cooking can be a hassle - and if you're got a job on top of all that, you might feel like you never have time to just relax with your family. If you could find a way to land a better-paying job in order to have adequate time to do all of the other important things in your life, wouldn't you do it?…


Use your motherly instincts to boost your career

June 14, 2011

Being a mom means you specialize in making people feel better with your kind words and calm demeanor - skills you've learned after years of handling temper tantrums and skinned knees. If helping people is something you've always been good at, you may benefit from a career within the mental health services. Becoming a mental health counselor means you'll be able to use your instinct as a mother, along with what you've learned from your classes, to aid those who are in true need of help.…