Do it all by earning a degree
July 29, 2011
Being able to properly provide for your family is something that most working mothers hope for, as you typically want something to show for all the hard work you put in at the office. Unfortunately, if you are a single mother who must work extra shifts in order to support your current lifestyle, this could leave you little time to relax, let alone time to spend with your family.
Although you love being with your kids, you may want to go to school because without a degree, you may be missing out on those bigger and better jobs. But have no fear, now that online colleges and scholarships for single mothers are available, you may actually be able to do both - be a great mother and a profitable career woman.
Who says you can't have it all? It's up to you to make the most of your circumstances, and if you're ready to make a positive change for the better, then find a college that fits your needs and get to it! What do you have to lose?