Archive | October, 2012

Are degrees still worth it?

October 5, 2012

For single working moms, taking the time and making the monumental effort to get back into the classroom could seem like a worthless endeavor. They've gotten by fine for years without an advanced degree, why start down that path now?
The choice for many lies in a sense of personal achievement, but more than that is the underlying inherent value of a college education.…


Moms can make friends in college too

October 4, 2012

There are a lot of fears women face when going back to college, especially single moms facing the challenges of work, class and kids. Sometimes these duties can seem so daunting that women feel like they do not have time for anything besides the most demanding activities. But all work and no play is a bad scenario for keeping a healthy mind and body, essential attributes of any woman who plans to maintain a single mother scholarship.…


Getting single parent scholarships and other funds for school

October 3, 2012

Chances are as a single parent you do not have a lot of expendable cash on-hand with which to pay for school. Most colleges charge upwards of a few thousand dollars per semester just for tuition, before adding on classes, books and other materials. There's also the opportunity cost to consider - during the hours spent in the classroom and sitting at home studying, there are plenty of others things you could be doing.…


Flexibility is key to success for single moms in college

October 3, 2012

The rigors of being in college, taking care of a family and working a job can be overwhelming. The hours are long, the problems are endless and there never seem to be enough hours in the day to take care of everything. Nevertheless, persevering over difficulty is one of the many traits single mothers must possess to be successful in the first place, and adding the extra incentive of a college degree can help many get through the hardest of times.…


Getting back to the books with scholarship assistance

October 2, 2012

For some mothers, attending college may feel out of reach, either for childcare or income reasons. There are always means for overcoming such roadblocks, but only if women remain dedicated to their educational needs and avoid feeling too defeated.
There are plenty of programs available for working and single parent scholarships, as well as school-backed grants and other public funding for adults looking to improve their educational status.…