Archive | August, 2012

Finding a childcare provider for your kids while you’re in school

August 10, 2012

Once you take advantage of scholarships for moms and grants for parents, you're going to need to rearrange your schedule to accommodate the demands of enrolling in a postsecondary institution. As a parent, you'll need to make sure that your kids are taken care of while you're in school.
A local daycare can mind your children while you work toward your degree.…


Preparing for your first college quizzes and tests

August 8, 2012

After enrolling in a postsecondary institution with the help of grants for parents and scholarships for moms, you're likely eager to hit the books. However, if it's been some time since you last attended school, you may be unprepared for the challenges of higher education.
In college, the coursework tends to be rigorous and the exams can be downright brutal. If you haven't been in an academic program for years, the intensity might shock you.…


Examining all of your financial assistance options for college

August 8, 2012

As a mother looking to return to school, you might have already heard about the numerous scholarships for moms and grants for parents available to you, but how do you know which form of financial aid is best?
Depending on your household finances, you may decide to choose one type of support source for tuition over another. Examining your options can help you get a better idea of what's available to you and which items are worth applying for.…


Saving on school essentials once enrolling in a postsecondary institution

August 7, 2012

Even parents who are returning to school have to take the cost of supplies into consideration when managing their finances. While scholarships for moms and grants for parents can help curb the cost of school supplies, taking a few extra steps to stay on budget can result in big savings.
To make sure that you don't break the bank once you enroll in a postsecondary institution, think reused - not new.…


Finding scholarships to reduce the cost of tuition

August 7, 2012

While there are many grants for parents and scholarships for moms now available for those looking to go back to school, it takes a certain amount of research to find these forms of financial assistance.
There are many ways that you can hone in on scholarships that apply to you and your studies if you intend on going back to school.…


Examining the numerous benefits associated with scholarship

August 6, 2012

New grants for parents are helping more adults return to school and earn a degree in between taking care of their families. However, scholarships for moms have been assisting nontraditional students for years as they attempt to better their careers and obtain a higher education.
There are numerous benefits that come with applying for scholarships. As the cost of tuition continues to rise, more people are turning to these forms of financial assistance to cover the expenses associated with enrolling in a postsecondary institution.…


More moms turning to online programs to earn a degree

August 6, 2012

As scholarships for moms continue to become more available, parents are looking to attend college to better their careers and provide for their families. Mothers who previously had to put their dreams of enrolling in college aside to take care of children are now finding themselves working toward a degree.
Nontraditional students who need flexible schedules are turning to online programs to obtain a degree in between working and managing their families.…


Immediately relieving the stress associated with school

August 3, 2012

Once you take advantage of scholarships for moms and college grants, you'll likely feel motivated to approach the challenge of earning a degree while being a full-time parent. However, this adrenaline can quickly wear off as you try to establish a balance between work and life.
If stress has started to mount and you're looking to relieve it as soon as possible, there are a few tips you can take into consideration as a nontraditional student.…


Examining the benefits of earning a college degree

August 3, 2012

Now that more grants for parents are becoming available to adults who want to finish obtaining an education, many people are returning to school. However, not everyone believes that the cost of college is eventually balanced out by a career earned with a degree.
That being said, the statistics in favor of getting a higher education continue to grow. The Christian Science Monitor reports that those who earn a degree are less likely to rely on government assistance programs, saving thousands of dollars throughout their lifetime.…


Weighing the benefits of enrolling in an accredited online college

August 3, 2012

Now that more scholarships for moms and grants for parents are becoming widely available, mothers are taking the opportunity to return to school. One option that is growing in popularity is online education. Some scholarships can be used to pay for tuition at accredited online schools, making this a viable option for parents. reports that one of the biggest advantages of studying online is the wide range of programs available.…