Archive | November, 2011

Are you too sick to go to school?

November 14, 2011

Moms who are pursuing a college degree are often so busy with school and family responsibilities that they forget to think about themselves. However, sometimes just when things are going along fine you'll get sick and be forced to decide whether or not you're well enough to go to school.
While staying home often isn't many women's first choice when they're ill, experts say that going to class, a study group or the library can often put others at risk and keep you from getting better quickly.…


Avoiding holiday weight gain

November 11, 2011

The combination of end-of-the-semester stress and the holidays can set some student parents up for weight gain during this time of year. After all, many of us admit to eating to deal with stress, and the holiday time can be stressful for any busy parent who's also pursuing a college education.
"You've got the stress of the holidays, along with a lack of sleep, and, for many, a cauldron of bubbling emotions coming to the surface - and you've got all this food beckoning you at every turn," clinical psychologist Dr.…


It’s National Distance Learning Week

November 10, 2011

According to the U.S. Distance Learning Association, distance learning is the fastest growing segment of the education market. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) reports that as many as 20 percent of college students are enrolled in at least one distance education, or online, class.
The ease and popularity of distance learning has made getting a college degree possible for many mothers who take online classes.…


How student parents balance family and education

November 10, 2011

At first, parents thinking about going back to school may think that finances will be the hardest part of their journey. Luckily, a variety of grants for parents, college scholarships and other financial aid options has made paying for an education easier than ever for many. The real challenge is usually balancing the demands of your education with those of your family.…


Keeping yourself and your kids healthy this winter

November 9, 2011

Many parents attending college are on their way to a better future for themselves and their families with the help of various college scholarships, grants and other financial aid. But even the best laid plans are bound to hit a speed bump every now and then.
Now that cold and flu season is officially here, it's virtually inevitable that you or your children will get sick at some point this fall or winter.…


Study: ‘Freshman 15’ is just a myth

November 9, 2011

Whether you're a traditional college student or a parent who is pursuing a college education, you've probably heard about the so-called "freshman 15."
For years, many college students have referred to the seemingly inevitable weight gain that goes along with late night studying, eating a lot of pizza and being under a new type of stress as the Freshman 15. However, a new study reveals that this phenomenon is really a myth.…


Tackling the child care challenge

November 9, 2011

One of the biggest challenges single parents who want to go to college face is child care. After all, as any mother can attest, being a parent is a 24/7 commitment, 365 days per year. Add in the time needed to attend classes and study and the prospect of creating a better life for your family can seem overwhelming.
While many single parents make their dream of pursuing a college education a reality by taking online classes, there are many others who are required to physically be in a classroom.…


Organization helps domestic violence victims pursue education

November 8, 2011

The statistics on domestic violence in the U.S. are sobering. According to, every nine seconds, a woman in this country is assaulted or beaten. In addition, studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.
While leaving an abusive partner is a challenge, it is often necessary for those who want a better life for themselves and their children.…


Money-saving ideas for parents in college

November 8, 2011

There's no denying the fact that going to college presents a unique set of challenges for all kinds of families. However, women who choose to return to school to pursue a college education after becoming parents often struggle to wrap their minds around the financial commitment of enrolling in a university, either part-time or full-time.
Thankfully, many mothers are able to pursue their dreams of getting a college or graduate degree thanks to various college scholarships, financial aid and grants for parents.…


Parents in college can avoid holiday stress by shopping early

November 8, 2011

The in-store displays signal shoppers that the holiday season is just around the corner. For mothers who are pursuing a college education, the fact that Christmas and Hanukkah are less than two months away means that now is the time to get started on holiday shopping, as the end of the semester - and final exams - occur just before the holiday break.…