Avoid getting sick this winter for college scholarship health

November 19, 2012

The cold weather brings plenty of stuffy noses and cold symptoms, but taking a day off for illness could be harmful to the wellbeing of a college scholarship. There are plenty of ways to avoid falling ill this season, but not all moms feel they have the time to take these precautions. Failing to do so, though, could wind up costing them later when they can't get to class or make it to work.…


Making schedules that work for college scholarship health

November 19, 2012

Now that the semester is well underway, single moms with college scholarships have probably seen that some classes and study habits work better than others. With at least one half of the year under their belts, moms should have an idea of what sort of class schedules they want for the spring. If not, now is the time to start considering options.…


Crock pot meals a big help to college moms

November 19, 2012

When it comes to making wholesome family dinners, there may not feel like enough time in the day for single moms with college scholarships to get through all the other tasks that need to get done. On the other hand, skipping meals with kids can fray families, and not eating together can make everyone feel less healthy and energetic. There are options available besides takeout food or microwave meals that are both nutritious and inexpensive.…


Studying for finals critical for college scholarship recipients

November 15, 2012

This is one of the most stressful times of the year for single moms with college scholarships, as universities gear up for finals season. Grades can be put in jeopardy or landed in the safe zone for maintaining a scholarship award, which means doing well on finals is crucial for keeping necessary funding in order to stay in school. When it comes down to the last few days before an exam, though, it may be that starting the studying process at that point won't be worthwhile.…


Eating out still an option for single moms on college scholarships

November 14, 2012

Cutting expenses is one of the biggest goals that college scholarship recipients trying to balance home, kids, work and school have to deal with. As such, a lot of the time fun activities get pushed off the table because absorbing the expense is just out of the question. Eating out at restaurants is one of those activities, but it can be a fun trip for kids and a night off from cooking for mom.…


Smart holiday shopping tips for college moms

November 12, 2012

Having a college scholarship can help Mom get through school, but another important factor in the scenario is keeping a balanced budget. This is easier with financial tools like online banking and mobile apps that assist in monitoring balances, as well as a strong sense for essentials. Doing without can help save money for the holidays, but there are ways of making that money go even further.…


Good time for single moms to apply for college scholarships

November 9, 2012

This month is National College Scholarship Month, and plenty of agencies are geared up to help interested applicants, especially single parents, locate funds that can help them get through school. With the value of a college degree continuing to rise and unemployment still a rampant problem in some parts of the country, having advanced training and specialized skills can help a single mom get the kind of job that best suits her family.…


Thanksgiving for single moms with college scholarships

November 8, 2012

It's almost time for single moms with college scholarships to start thinking about how to handle holiday festivities, and with Thanksgiving right around the corner, there are some cooking and household chores to do that usually wouldn't come up. If family and friends are coming over, this can add to the stress of maintaining a home and studying for school, so making sure everything is setup beforehand can help reduce worries and streamline the day.…


Finding time to focus on the kids

November 7, 2012

Going to school takes up a lot of free time, no matter what a person's status in life may be. For single moms, this is even more the case, as time spent at home can leave kids at a distance while studying takes precedence. Coming up with strategies to do activities with children can be as simple as taking kids on shopping trips or picking them up from school.…


Single parent scholarships vital while budgeting

November 6, 2012

Even without school on the table, a single parent can easily feel overwhelmed balancing work and kids, keeping track of expenses and trying to save for the future. Adding a single parent scholarship to the mix helps relieve concerns over educational funding and allows moms to focus instead on getting good grades.
Still, maintaining a careful budget will be critical for the few years spent in college, as earning potential may be diminished with more hours dedicated to studying and attending classes.…