Moms with college scholarships need to know a syllabus

October 23, 2012

If you have never been to college you may not have seen a course syllabus in your life. It is basically an outline of the class requirements, but it also serves as the most important guidebook to a college course you will ever see, and you get it on the first day class. Instead of zoning out while the professor is explaining things or tucking it away into a folder pocket, there is in-depth analysis to be done that can help you keep your college scholarship.…


Plan ahead to avoid roadblocks to success

October 22, 2012

Many times in life challenges will pop up that can feel impossible to overcome. In those situations, having a clear goal in mind can make problems feel less insurmountable, and eventually, with enough thinking and careful action, people can eventually get around these barriers.
This should be a scenario single moms are familiar with. Taking care of a family and working at the same time are uniquely difficult situations, and adding the maintenance of a college scholarship to the mix does not alleviate any stress.…


College moms and kids go to school together

October 19, 2012

When a mom starts to feel the nest growing empty, she might start looking around for things to do besides working the same job or keeping the same hobbies. For a mom who may never have pursued higher education before, with children attending classes regularly, it may seem more appealing to try her hand at university as well. Going to the same school as her children may be a bit strange at first, but there are ways to cope with the transition, and having someone to talk about college fears is always an added benefit.…


Helping kids get ready for mom going to school too

October 18, 2012

It is a big transition for single mom to get back into the classroom, but for her children, it could be earth-shaking. Not all kids do well with change on the home front, especially little ones, and it may require a lot more differences than just fewer hours with mom around. Daycare, and after school programs may be in order, while clubs and extracurricular activities that don't fit with mom's new schedule could be off the table.…


Variety of sources offer grants for parents

October 17, 2012

Coming up with funding to cover all of the college experience may seem like a daunting task. The average price for a four-year degree keeps going up, with the U.S. Department of Education reported recently that, in some areas, higher education costs more than $40,000 per year. College scholarships alone may not be enough to propel a single mom through the entire degree experience, but there is alternative funding to be had.…


Good careers for single moms

October 16, 2012

Sometimes a single mom may know she wants to go back to school but is not certain what to study. There are plethora careers to choose from, but not all will be appealing, and some offer less income or worse hours than others. Certain choices have become more popular over the years with moms, though, and have become stand-out majors for those seeking college scholarships.…


Getting to know your academic adviser

October 15, 2012

It may feel like going to college from day one is like being set adrift in a massive academic sea, but there are plenty of resources available to single moms on a college scholarship to help with orientation and finding tools to help them succeed. Offices around the campus are geared toward assisting students with getting their bearings, finding good habits and helping them manage their college careers, so familiarizing with these different areas can be a great help in getting settled.…


Quick money-saving tips for mom

October 12, 2012

Going to school requires a lot of dedication and sacrifice - less time with the family, more hours spent out of the house, and when there is time at home much of it is spent on chores or studying. There is some added relief financially from college scholarships, but with fewer hours remaining for work, money will likely be tight. Saving is crucial for single moms in this position, as kids aren't getting any less expensive and less money will be coming in for a while.…


Coping with college stressors

October 11, 2012

Managing a hectic lifestyle is nothing new for a single mom, but dealing with the rigors of college could throw anyone off their game. Maintaining a college scholarship requires composure and presence of mind, so getting overwhelmed won't work for those who want to be successful.
Here are a few good ways to relieve stress that won't interfere with regular daily schedules and can help overall quality of life:
•Get plenty of exercise.…


Finance tips for single moms in school

October 10, 2012

For those seeking higher education to provide a better upbringing for their kids, single mother scholarships may be the best option to pursue. There are plenty of resources out there to help match moms with available funds, but once this money is received, managing it appropriately is important, especially as work hours are reduced to make room for a school schedule.…