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Need an excuse to wear comfortable clothes?

February 27, 2012

There's good news for anyone who can't stand the way tight, restrictive clothing makes them feel. Experts say snug-fitting items like skinny jeans, control-top pantyhose, body shapers (such as Spanx) and other pieces made with Lycra or Spandex may actually be hazardous to your health.
According to the Wall Street Journal, wearing tight clothing can result in nerve damage, blood clots and even digestive issues.…


Nontraditional college student suspended for racy essay

February 23, 2012

A 56-year-old married man attending a Michigan University has been suspended for a class assignment that school officials deemed too racy.
According to ABC News, Joseph Corlett is a countertop refinisher who is pursuing a degree in writing and rhetoric at Oakland University. He was enrolled in an Advanced Critical Writing class when the incident occurred.
His teacher, Pamela Mitzelfeld, became uncomfortable when Corlett turned in a journal writing assignment titled "Hot for Teacher" that described his attraction to her.…


Colleges with the best quality of life

February 17, 2012

Many mothers pursuing a college degree are doing so in order to be able to get a job they like and help their families enjoy financial stability upon graduating.
Others want to complete their college education in order to maximize their earning potential. After all, having a bachelor's degree can significantly impact how much money one makes.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), in 2009, the average salary for adults ages 25 to 34 with a bachelor's degree was $45,000, while those with a high school diploma or other equivalent degree earned an average of $30,000 per year.…


Princeton Review releases ‘Best Value’ college list

February 17, 2012

While going to college is an investment in your future, many people worry about the rising cost of getting an education.
According to the College Board, the average tuition for the 2011-2012 school year at a four-year, public college or university is $8,244 for in-state residents and $12,526 for those who live out-of-state. At private, four-year colleges and universities, the average tuition is higher - $28,500.…


Do college freshman feel prepared for school?

February 15, 2012

There's no denying the fact that college can be a difficult transition for any student - regardless of age. However, a recent survey conducted by the College Board found that one-third of college freshmen don't feel like their high school did a good job preparing them for college.
The nonprofit organization's survey polled more than 1,500 high school graduates from the class of 2010 that had begun taking college level courses.…


Study finds drinking is a part of college life for many

February 8, 2012

Mothers who are pursuing a college degree are often doing so to provide a better, more financially stable life for themselves and their children.
Various grants for parents, scholarships for mothers and other financial aid make the dream of getting a college education a reality for many women.
While many moms who are in college at traditional brick-and-mortar schools or online simply don't have the time, interest or money to spend night after night at the local bar, club or party, they should know that these places are often popular among some of their fellow students, especially those who are traditional college students (between the ages of 18 and 24).…


Admissions mistake angers students

February 6, 2012

No one said that waiting to hear whether or not you got into the college of your choice is easy.
However, dozens of Vassar College hopefuls were recently devastated when they learned they were not accepted, even though they were initially told they were via the school's website.
Apparently, 76 students were erroneously notified via email that they were accepted at the New York college due to a computer glitch.…


Program inspires mothers and daughters to go to college

January 27, 2012

A program that is meant to inspire young Hispanic women to go to college is helping some moms pursue their dream of getting a college degree as well.
The Hispanic Mother-Daughter Program (HMDP) at Arizona State University (ASU) is one of several programs located throughout the country that helps girls prepare themselves for college. Girls apply in 7th grade and attend various workshops the campus of ASU throughout their 8th grade and high school years.…


Colleges with a lot of older students

January 23, 2012

According to U.S. News & World Report, approximately 25 percent of college freshman do not return to school after their first year to finish their degree.
The reasons they decide to stop or put their education on hold vary and can include burn-out, lack of motivation, financial problems, a job offer or entering the military. However, many decide to return to school to finish their degree program later on after they've started a family, gotten some work experience and decided what they really want to do "when they grow up."
The thinking that most college students start to pursue their degree immediately after graduating from high school and finish in four years simply isn't the norm anymore.…


Magazine ranks top online colleges

January 12, 2012

The popularity of attending college online continues to grow. According to a recent report titled the Survey of Online Learning, conducted by Babson Survey Research Group and the College Board, the number of students taking at least one online course has surpassed 6 million. Now nearly one-third of all students in higher education are taking at least one online course.
"The rate of growth in online enrollments is ten times that of the rate in all higher education," said study co-author I.…