Don’t let money hold you back from earning a degree
July 28, 2011
As a single mother, you may feel like you're trapped in your current situation based on the fact that you need to continue to work multiple jobs to support your family. If you are stuck in this rut because you never went to college and have now found it too hard to find a higher paying job without a degree, then it may be time to consider college as a real option.
You may be wondering how you'll find the time and the money to be able to go back to school, as you're already spread pretty thin in both departments. As finding promising careers has become increasingly difficult without a degree, many single mother scholarships and even grants for parents have popped up to give people experiencing financial hardships a chance at success.
Options for financial support aren't the only choices you have when it comes to college. In fact, now more than ever, adults are choosing to go back to school through online universities that give them the freedom to continue to work at their jobs while earning a degree. As long as you have a computer and an internet connection, then you can do your coursework. Plus, online universities tend to cost less, without a decrease in quality, so it may ease your financial fears even more.