Archive | September, 2012

How to get federal aid for college

September 14, 2012

College is incredibly expensive, with books and tuition costing thousands of dollars a semester, which for a single mother could be impossible to afford. Fortunately, federal aid exists to provide financial aid for mothers, offering grants based on the income and expenses of the individual seeking an education. Applying for these programs can be accomplished online with a simple step-by-step process, resulting in a decision and award for college payments.…


Should you get a flu shot?

September 13, 2012

Balancing the demands of raising a family while pursuing a college degree can be stressful. Many student parents do everything they can to try and simplify their lives and ensure that they're giving their all to both of these responsibilities. However, when you or your children get sick, even the best laid plans fall apart.  
Although cold winter days are still months away, experts say the flu season is quickly approaching.…


Many Americans want a career change

September 11, 2012

A recent survey conducted by Yahoo! Finance and Parade revealed that almost 60 percent of Americans would choose a different career.
"Now we have the McJob that for so many people in the economy goes nowhere," the Daily Ticker's Henry Blodget told Yahoo! Finance. "The whole idea is that [those jobs] are a stepping stone to something else, and it never is.…


Considering an online degree?

September 10, 2012

The flexibility online classes offer students is one of the biggest reasons many mothers choose this route when they decide to go to college.
Online learning has become increasingly popular in recent years. A recent study conducted by the Sloan Consortium finds that the number of individuals taking online classes is on the rise. The 2011 Survey of Online Learning reveals that nearly one-third of all students in higher education are taking at least one online course.…


Back-to-school time for everyone

September 7, 2012

As the summer ends and parents everywhere send their little ones off to start a new school year, many will deal with feelings of sadness and helplessness.
While many people might think that back-to-school time is the hardest on kids, a recent survey revealed the transition is especially difficult for moms as well.
The online survey of more than 2,400 people conducted by found that 40 percent feel that moms are the saddest family member when the kids go back to school, compared to 33 percent who said the kids were most affected.…


Flexibility key for working moms

September 6, 2012

A new survey reveals job flexibility is key for American workers. The second annual Labor Day Workplace Study conducted by Harris Interactive for professional staffing firm Mom Corps found that flexible work options are a priority for many, and that they are willing to take a cut in pay in order to get it.
The online survey of nearly 1,100 adults found that nearly half of working adults (45 percent) are willing to give up some percentage of their salary for more flexibility at work.  The average they were willing to relinquish is 8.6 percent, a number that is almost double the amount from last year's study.…


Survey reveals many families don’t save for college

September 5, 2012

There's no denying that the cost of getting a college education has skyrocketed in recent years. According to the College Board, the average annual cost for a four-year public college or university is $8,240 for in-state students and $20,770 for those who live out-of-state. Private college is even more expensive, averaging $28,500 per year.
However, a new study found that many Americans are not adequately prepared to foot the bill.…