Archive | October, 2011

College scholarships could help you avoid taking out private loans

October 11, 2011

Mothers who have made the decision to head to college to pursue a fulfilling career have a wealth of financial opportunities available to them, but it can be difficult to sift through each one to find the ideal form of funding. Researching these options is a huge aspect of the admissions process to help prospective students avoid taking out private loans.…


Taking advantage of every moment to get ahead in your degree program

October 11, 2011

If you're a mother who's thinking of heading to college to pursue a degree program, balancing your obligations to your children and completing all your necessary coursework may seem daunting. The next few years will certainly be harrowing, but finding free time at unexpected moments can help you get ahead.
When you are assigned reading for one of your classes, this is something you should always have in the car or in your bag.…


Break out of your empty nest and pursue the career of your dreams

October 11, 2011

Now that your children have graduated college and are off starting their own professional lives, you may be feeling a void in your life and may not know where to turn. Now might be the ideal time to pursue a career you may have put on hold when you had children and expand your academic horizons by enrolling in a degree program.…


Finding balance between your degree program and your children

October 10, 2011

Mothers are already some of the hardest-working individuals around, and it may seem like a huge burden to throw a degree program on top of that. There are a number of steps you can take to be a good mother and a good student, and it starts by planning things out accordingly.
Planning out your week is a great way to stay organized and find time for school work while fulfilling your obligations to your family.…


A college degree can improve your networking capabilities

October 10, 2011

Mothers who are thinking of heading to college to pursue their passions already know that a degree can increase their earning potential and increase their chances of landing a job. However, one of the silver linings of attending a university are the people you'll meet along the way who could provide everything from a positive recommendation to a job opening.
Students should make sure to befriend a few of their professors, as these individuals can provide a wealth of insider knowledge.…


Improve your chances of landing your dream job by heading to graduate school

October 10, 2011

If you've recently completed your bachelor's degree and are struggling to find a job in today's market, now could be as good a time as ever to head to college to complete a graduate degree. This can drastically improve your chances of landing your dream job, and there are a wealth of college scholarships, grants and other forms of financial aid that can make your degree program a reality.…


Don’t waste money on a scholarship consultant during the college admission process

October 7, 2011

In the midst of your search for college scholarships, grants and other forms of financial aid, you may come across ads for scholarship consultants. While these individuals may purport themselves to be great resources who can help you find sources of funding and increase your chances of landing scholarships, many of them are just a waste of money.
Most people are looking for college scholarships as a way to cut their costs when they head off to school, so what sense does it make to hire someone to do the work for you when these funding sources should be free?…


Choose a career that will make you happy

October 7, 2011

It may be tempting during your college admissions process to take a good hard look at the industries that are hiring, while overlooking the rest. However, the business world is constantly changing, so a good rule of thumb is to always choose a major based on your interests and your aspirations for the future.
To get a real sense of your talents and what sort of profession can work for you, consider visiting a career counselor.…


University of Arizona program shows that colleges are responding to needs of student mothers

October 7, 2011

Being a mother and juggling the responsibilities of a degree program can be a harrowing experience, but colleges across the country have begun to respond to the needs of these students to make their lives easier when on campus. The University of Arizona is just one institution that has made a commitment to these student mothers, according to the Daily Wildcat.…


More middle-aged adults are heading to college than ever before, so what are you waiting for?

October 6, 2011

There has been a major shift in the world of higher education and college isn't a playground for students 25 and under anymore. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, between 2000 and 2009, the enrollment of students 25 and over rose 43 percent and showcases the stunning trend of people realizing their career aspirations.
There are many reasons why people would decide to return to college, whether it is increased earning potential, a change of careers or simply the self-confidence that comes with completing a degree.…