Deciding what to study in college

November 30, 2011

Parents who want to get a college degree often depend on scholarships for mothers, grants and other financial aid to make their dream a reality. However, while many mothers pursuing their college education know exactly what they want to do when they graduate, others are unsure of what their career path will look like.

Some college majors, such as nursing, accounting or education, are very specialized to a particular field. Others, such as business, finance, psychology and communications, give students broad skills that can be applied to a number of different careers.

Those attending a traditional, four-year college program may not have to declare a major until the end of their second year of study. However, it's a good idea for those who really know what they want to study to choose one early on so they can tailor their courses around their preferred subjects.

Experts suggest those who are trying to determine what to major in research the types of careers that utilize the skills, knowledge and talents they have. Online assessments at websites such as, and others have step-by-step guides and tools to help students in choose a course of study. Speaking with an academic advisor is also a good idea.

It's important to remember that choosing a field that is interesting to you is critical. After all, courses that appeal to you will help make your time in college enjoyable and your career fulfilling.

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