Archive | September, 2011

Getting what you paid for in your college education

September 30, 2011

Once you've finishing applying for college scholarships, grants for parents and other forms of financial aid and make your way on campus, you may be overwhelmed by the vast freedom that the setting provides. With the sacrifice of time and money you're undertaking, you should view your time at school as a chance to enjoy everything higher education has to offer.…


An associate degree could help you land a better job

September 30, 2011

If you're the kind of person who has been working multiple jobs and trying everything to make ends meet, college is probably something that has crossed your mind. A four-year program can be a huge commitment, so if you're looking to get ahead and cut your costs, an associate degree could be a great choice.
These degrees are offered by most community colleges, junior colleges and some four-year universities.…


Getting your foot in the door for a job interview starts with earning a degree

September 29, 2011

If you're a mother who is working multiple jobs and struggling to make ends meet, there's no better time than the present to change your life for the better. Heading to college to pursue your passion is the surefire way to find your dream job, and chances are, you may not get in the door without a degree.
Due to the lackluster job market, a bachelor's degree is nearly a necessity to find a job with a salary, benefits and long-term earning potential.…


The unprecedented growth of adult students makes it easier for mothers to earn their degree

September 29, 2011

If there is one consistent trend in today's world of higher education, it's the accommodation of working adults into a college's plans for the future. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 38 percent of those enrolled in higher education are over the age of 25 and one quarter are over the age of 30.
This amazing surge not only speaks to how important a four-year degree has become to improve one's chances of landing a job, but colleges have begun to respond to the needs of working adults.…


The flexibility of college can make a degree program a reality for busy mothers

September 28, 2011

Heading back to college to achieve an advanced level of specialization or to get a degree for the first time can be a daunting prospect if you're a mother. Fortunately, the higher education world has responded to the needs of busy, working adults and now offers more degree flexibility than ever before.
Between online learning and institutions that plan their class schedules around the needs of working adults, you can create a course load that will allow you to see your children as often as possible.…


Begin building a rainy day fund for your time on campus

September 28, 2011

Even though the many options of college scholarships, grants for parents and other forms of financial aid can significantly reduce the cost of tuition, you may never know when you'll need some extra money for an unexpected expense. College is more affordable than ever, but before you leave your current job and head off into the world of higher education, make sure that you have savings in place to get you through your program.…


Middle-aged adults are realizing their career aspirations by completing a degre

September 27, 2011

If you're looking to head back to school to complete your degree or pursue a higher level of specialization, you may be concerned about your age, which many adults are apprehensive about. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, the number of college students 25 and over has risen 43 percent between 2000 and 2009.
This upward trend of new students in their late 20s or older most likely won't anytime soon.…


Ignore college rankings and find an institution that works for your needs

September 27, 2011

As tempting as it may be to enroll in a university that has a distinguished reputation, for some mothers who are taking care of their families and trying to further their careers, this isn't financially feasible. Base your decision on the strength of the degree program and the many other expenses that could arise during your time at school.
There are countless options available for those who can't afford a big name school, but the first step in the process is seeking out college scholarships, grants and other forms of financial aid.…


Set an example for your kids to emulate by heading to college

September 27, 2011

If you have children who are about to head off to high school, they may be as undecided as you are about their college prospects. Now that your kids are getting a bit older, they can take care of many tasks themselves, which can leave you some extra time to set a positive example by going to college to complete a degree program. 
It's never too late to pursue your passion, and with the many college scholarships, federal grants and other forms of financial aid available, higher education is more affordable than ever.…


Do you want to become a homeowner? It could happen with a college degree

September 26, 2011

If you're a mother who is working multiple jobs and trying to find some semblance of financial security, going to college to earn your degree may be the only way to improve your long-term earning potential and make your dreams a reality. Homeownership is one of the biggest goals of many parents, and you can give your children the life they deserve by finding a fulfilling career.…